"Hope through cancer" is a blog that lets those that have cancer or those that face trials, interact and receive encouragement by those that are on the same journey as they are. The goal is that they find hope or having opportunities for peace and encouragement as they go through cancer.
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This card is an encouragement card for cancer survivors. As stated on the back of the card...The picture on the front of the card is from the original oil painting of a survivor's journey with hope, with an artist's perception in the light of the 23rd Psalm. The message inside (shown below) gives hope because of what cancer cannot do to a survivor. This is a "Hope Through Cancer" card to Support the fighters
Admire the survivors
And honor the taken.
The purchase of a card helps support the "Hope Through Cancer" ministry
Hope Through Cancer is a ministry,
founded in 2010, focused on being of real help to real people. This
ministry is our way of reaching out to those that are on the same journey as we
are. Cancer has changed our lives and we want to encourage and help, in any way
possible, those that face this very difficult challenge ahead. There is hope,
opportunities, peace, and encouragement for those that have an open mind to
God’s ways.
Please join our
blog and receive encouraging articles to help you and your loved ones.
Faith and I have our inspiring story about the journey with cancer that we have
been on since 2009. Our sincere desire is that you find all the hope and
blessings you would need as you advance on this journey with us.
Please join our blog and receive encouraging articles to help you and your loved ones. Faith and I have our inspiring story about the journey with cancer that we have been on since 2009. Our sincere desire is that you find all the hope and blessings you would need as you advance on this journey with us.
Hope Through Cancer is the story of a survivor's journey with hope, with an artist's perception , in the light of the 23rd Psalm. Visit our website at www.hopethroughcancer.com It is all about reaching out to those that are not so fortunate with their health. Hope, opportunity, peace, and encouragement is what we all need. Please share for cancer awareness! Thank you
Be thankful today for all the good things you have, and even for the difficult trials, especially if the trials brought you to a close relationship with God.
Join the Hope Through Cancer Blog! http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/
Faith (my wife) was informed last Friday after her regular scans, that cancer had returned, a mass on the liver, therefore removal by surgery, and more rounds of chemo-therapy. This is the fourth time around and she still has a heart for those that have cancer to encourage and support them. Her book is introduced by this video. Please share for cancer awareness!
Hope Through Cancer is a unique book about a cancer survivor's journey with hope. Faith, my wife, has ovarian cancer. She can close her eyes and see a mental image of a path, calm waters, shade, light, and hope. We turned this into an official painting about her journey that she mentally envisioned and was created by me. The painting is an artist's perception of a survivor's journey with hope in the light of Psalm 23. She has found the 23rd psalm to be in harmony with each aspect of her journey finding a new life, having settled fear about death. Visit the website at http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/
Please share to let others know of the tool that is available for them to listen to!
Please view this video and share it with your friends as a token of your support to "Hope Through Cancer" ministry. We want to reach those that need support and need hope while going through their difficult trials. Thank you! Order at http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/