Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Official Book Cover for "Hope Through Cancer"

This is the official design and cover for the book, "Hope Through Cancer,"
A Survivor’s Journey of Hope,
With an Artist’s Perception,
In the light of Psalm 23.
By Claude Jacques (Author and Artist)
                                      Faith Copeland Jacques (Co-author)
                                          Toni Williams (Assistant Editor

“Hope Through Cancer "is one of the most unique books  about a  cancer survivor's journey with hope. The book does what no other book has done. It has the journey of the survivor, an official painting about her journey that she mentally envisioned and she found the 23rd Psalm to be in harmony with each aspect of her journey finding  a  new life, having settled fear about death. Available soon. Visit our site at http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/   or you can get an Kindle version  on amazon. 
Click this link http://www.amazon.com/Hope-Through-Cancer-Survivors-perception-ebook/dp/B018YIPZZ4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1450219260&sr=1-1&keywords=hope+through+cancer

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Obstacles Like Cancer On Life's Journey.....

      Cancer is not the only obstacle on life's journey, but definitely one that will stop you in your tracks and makes you consider the priorities in life. It is not all about how much fun can be gotten, but how much life can be enjoyed with the right perspective. This ebook describes how God, in the equation, opens up a new and right perspective of life with the one that gave life in the first place. Let God be the one that leads you every step of the way.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cancer Gave Her A Ministry Of Hope Through Cancer

     When all seems to be against you and your future, consider what God Has for you!

The “Hope Through Cancer” Ministry has at heart, the desire to encourage those that are survivors and undergoing treatments for cancer, visiting them either at the hospital or at their home. If out of range, we send literature that they can read and gifts. A great book is "There's No Place like Hope." a practical and inspiring guide that will empower any patient to better fight and survive their cancer. Patients who are facing the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment will find help and hope, as well as knowledge to aid them in their journey. This ministry is supported through sales of art and crafts and books and with contributions by those that join us in reaching survivors for Christ. We are in the tent making stage like the apostle Paul, who made tents to support his ministry. Pray for this ministry. Net profits go to cancer survivors.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Positive Side Of Cancer, Helps Us Understand The Whys

This Week's Thought On A Possitive Side Of Cancer
On the positive side of cancer, we can say that cancer helps us understand the whys of life. Like why chaos? Why sickness? Why me? Continue reading http://hopethroughcancer.homestead.com/~local/~Preview/Weekly-Thought-On-Positive-Side-Of-Cancer.html?_=1440702264472

This Week's Thought On A Possitive Side Of Cancer

Thursday, June 18, 2015

God Has A Plan Even Through Cancer.

     I know that many that have cancer have a difficult time understanding the "why me Lord?". Why did I have to get cancer? Only the sovereign God could explain that question. But remember that nothing surprises Him, and if He wants to use you in a special way through cancer, you will benefit greatly. Join the "Hope Through Cancer" blog and support the ministry through prayer!
Visit us at: http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/ Pass this on and make this a cancer awareness day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Facing The Future With Cancer

Cancer strikes many people in this world. It is not a death sentence. Rather, it opens our minds to the reality that we will not be on earth forever. The only way the heart of man can face tomorrow in peace is to know the one that holds our future. Join the Hope Through Cancer blog. http://hopethroughcancer.com/ 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Still Standing In Spite Of Cancer

There is always hope when diagnosed with cancer. I have ovarian cancer and have had two recurrences. My journey has been with the hope that God will help and lead the way, as He promises in Psalm 23. Visit our website at http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/
Let us journey together with hope.
By Faith Jacques

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cancer And The Positive Side

   Since God has a reason for all things, we must conclude that  having cancer also has a positive side.
Read what God did with a couple, because of cancer.
We do not understand God's ways, however, He does have a plan in our lives that will be for our good. If He is the Good Shepherd of our lives, and He leads us, we will be blessed to have been in the potter's hands.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Join The Hope Through Cancer Blog

The The Hope Through Cancer” Ministry has at heart, the desire to encourage those that are survivors and undergoing treatments for cancer, visiting them either at the hospital or at their home. If out of range, we send literature that they can read and gifts. A great book is "There's No Place like Hope." a practical and inspiring guide that will empower any patient to better fight and survive their cancer. Patients who are facing the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment will find help and hope, as well as knowledge to aid them in their journey. This ministry is supported through sales of art and crafts and books and with contributions of those that join us in reaching survivors for Christ.  We are in the tent making stage like the apostle Paul, who made tents to support his ministry.  Pray For This ministry Visit the website at http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cancer And Trusting Who?

     Cancer survivors often have to struggle with what is happening to them. It is so much easier to say to God, Why me? It is during the difficult times that when we have no other resource, that we turn to God. He is the only one that understands where you are, and what you are going through. Others will try to support you, but God understands and He wants us to trust him for the outcome. Let us all acknowledge Him today as we walk the path before us.
Pass this on to your friends, so they can join the "Hope Through Cancer" blog. http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/ 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cancer With or Without God?

    When you are a cancer survivor, God especially is concerned with you, in how you feel and every other detail that goes with the sickness. He wants to be your leader. He wants to be your shepherd. He wants to be the Good Shepherd of Psalm 23. He wants you to turn to Him for all of the above. He promises to be with you and give you comfort and hope. For a free book, "There Is No Place Like Hope" (Compliments of Hope Through Cancer Ministry) click on the link http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/
and on the contact button, ask for the free book. It will be our privilege to do this for you. That is one aspect of our ministry.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

     Cancer might put a damper on the length of life, but it cannot take away the desire to make the rest of life the best part.
     There are many things cancer cannot do and this is one of them. Actually many go through life and never come to the realization that it is not the length of life that counts but a fulfilled life at its best. If you would want a book of HOPE, just contact us and we will send it free of charge, according to the available funds. A gift to you from Hope Through Cancer Ministry.
Click here to get your free book. http://www.hopethroughcancer.com/index.html go to contact us and ask for the free book.