Another Positive Side Of Cancer
A Better Understanding Of Love
H.Spurgeon said “I venture to say that the greatest earthly blessing that God can
give to any of us is health, with the exception of sickness.
Sickness has frequently been of
more use to the saints of God than health has.I would add, that sickness or cancer has a marvelous use in turning people, believers and nonbelievers to God and all that He has done, which brings them into a great relationship with the Almighty God. It also brings them to a better understanding of love. God’s love, and the love from friends and family. It can bring to you a better understanding of love.
A. Towards God. B. Towards life. C. Towards others
we are going to spend a few moments on the love towards God.
cry out to God in their lives because there is none other to turn to. Better
have cancer crying out to God than having health and neglecting God and
eternity. All of a sudden God has a place in one’s life because there is no one else to turn to. Rightly so because God is the only one that can do anything about the feelings about sickness or to prepare for the future.
1. The Need
is as needful for the spiritual life, as blood is for the natural life. In
neither case can the one exist without the other. Yet, though all the
regenerate have love to God, not all of them are equally aware of the fact, nor
are all Christians sensible of it in the same way at all times. But a personal
persuasion of our love to God is most desirable. Those things which the more
deeply concern us, ought the more seriously to affect us. None
should deny its existence, simply because they are dissatisfied with the degree
or intensity of their love.
2. The Extent
Love to God
consists in a satisfaction in having Him as the soul's all-sufficient portion,
of a delight in Him, of satisfaction in Him. Sometimes it is expressed in
longings after and yearnings for Him. "At night my soul longs for You.
Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently!" (Isa 26:9). Sometimes
it is declared in speaking well of Him to others (Psalm 34:1-3; Mal 3:16).
Often it is breathed forth in prayer (Psalm 84:2), and in praise (Song 5:10).
Occasionally it is revealed in exclamations of wonderment (1 John 3:1). It is
manifested in sincere efforts to please Him, making His glory the
purpose and end of our actions, and therefore in detestation of all sin. It
appears at its best when, in a time of sore trial or sickness, and temporal difficulties
its possessor "rejoices in the LORD" (Hab 3:17-18).
Suffering and sorrow are a part of life.
Knowing this, however, doesn't make it any easier to cope when you find
yourself in the midst of the deepest, darkest trials of faith. However when all we have left is Jesus, we still have
everything we need. If you are suffering
to the point of despair, let these words of encouragement help you hang on to
your faith and to turn to God for encouragement and strength to have victory.