The positive side of cancer
helps us focus on healing.
There comes a time in most people’s
life when we find ourselves
battling with an illness or sickness of
one type or another. Forsome there are small bouts with minor ailments, but for others
very significant battles with chronic issues, like cancer.
It is seldom that a person is not touched by sickness over an entire
lifetime, and virtually impossible that we are not touched by the
illnesses of those within our sphere of care and influence.
God has a plan even when it is sickness or cancer.
Charles Spurgeon once said, “Health is
a gift from God, but sickness is a gift greater still.” Throughout his time in
this world, Spurgeon suffered with various physical ailments that eventually
took his life prematurely. He longed to be well but he recognized the supreme
value of being sick and he thanked God for it because it was his pain that
caused him to desperately draw near to God.
Let’s quote Spurgeon again he said
“I venture to say that the greatest earthly blessing that God can
give to any of us is health, with the exception of sickness. Sickness has
frequently been of more use to the saints of God than health has.”
What is he saying if not that we
learn more in the place of pain and
suffering and disease than weoften do in the place of comfort and ease.
So when we hear a quote like that from Spurgeon we must not
Pass it off as rationalization and pie in the sky avoidance of the
reality of pain and loss here, but the recognition that we were
made for eternity, not time, we will live eternally, not only in time
in these mortal bodies, and that therefore the reality of our
eternal life and heavenly home IS far better than even the best
day we ever experienced here on earth.