Monday, December 16, 2013

The Positive Side Of Cancer Helps Us Focus On Healing


The positive side of cancer
helps us focus on healing.

There comes a time in most people’s life when we find  ourselves
battling with an illness or sickness of one type or another.  For
some there are small bouts with minor ailments, but for others
very significant battles with chronic issues, like cancer.
It is seldom that a person is not touched by sickness over an entire
lifetime, and virtually impossible that we are not touched by the
illnesses of those within our sphere of care and influence.
God has a plan even when it is sickness or cancer.
James 5: 13-16

Charles Spurgeon once said, “Health is a gift from God, but sickness is a gift greater still.” Throughout his time in this world, Spurgeon suffered with various physical ailments that eventually took his life prematurely. He longed to be well but he recognized the supreme value of being sick and he thanked God for it because it was his pain that caused him to desperately draw near to God.

Let’s quote Spurgeon again he said

“I venture to say that the greatest earthly blessing that God can give to any of us is health, with the exception of sickness. Sickness has frequently been of more use to the saints of God than health has.”

What is he saying if not that we actually
learn more in the place of pain and suffering and disease than we
often do in the place of comfort and ease.
So when we hear a quote like that from Spurgeon we must not
Pass it off as rationalization and pie in the sky avoidance of the
reality of pain and loss here, but the recognition that we were
made for eternity, not time, we will live eternally, not only in time
in these mortal bodies, and that therefore the reality of our
eternal life and heavenly home IS far better than even the best
day we ever experienced here on earth.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It Took Cancer To Make Me Look At My Life, And Live.

It took cancer to make me look at my life and how
I should live it. (A positive side to cancer.)


"I love life and do everything I can to live each day better than the day before. I know I sound like a greeting card," Gary Bonacker says, "but it's a good way to live."

In the spring of 2003, Gary was diagnosed with a stage 2 brain tumor. But just 10 months after surgery that removed only half of the tumor, Gary rode alongside Lance Armstrong at the Ride for the Roses cycling event in Austin, Texas.

"It was something I'll remember for the rest of my life," Gary says. It inspired him to go home to Bend, Oregon, and start his own cycling event to raise money for cancer. The Tour des Chutes has grown from 750 riders in 2005 to over 1,100 riders for the 2010 ride. The money raised during the event helps fund the cancer survivorship program at St. Charles Cancer Center, which provides medical care for many of the cancer patients in Bend and other nearby communities.

The years since have not been easy. Gary was diagnosed with his brain tumor in 2003, and he still battles it every day. He requires ongoing treatment to slow the growth of the tumor and is on anti-seizure medicines. With fatigue and multiple health problems, he has had to limit his work a great deal.

"There's not a day that I don't go into a dark place, thinking about things I might miss," he says. "But my family, workplace, and friends, and my event help me through it. My other coping strategy is to read about research and learn everything that I can about my disease. I've surprised doctors with information they weren't even aware of.

"I have heard people with cancer say it is a gift," he jokes. "Well, I would take that gift back, if possible."

Gary continues to do his best and move on with his life. Besides planning his annual fundraiser, he says that spending time with his family, gardening, and fishing are his best coping strategies. And, of course, cycling.

"What's sad is that it took getting cancer to make me look at my life and how I should live it," Gary says. "We take a lot for granted. But I don't any longer." (From National Cancer Institute)


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cancer Introduces A Person To Hope.(Positive Side to Cancer)

    We are introduced to hope when we have cancer because from that point on we hope that we will get better or we hope we can have the grace to go through it victoriously.
A Definition of Hope
What is hope? Is it a wishy washy maybe or a kind of unsure optimism? The modern idea of hope is “to wish for, to expect, but without certainty of the fulfillment; to desire very much, but with no real assurance of getting your desire.”
“Hope” in Scripture means“a strong and confident expectation.”

In summary, hope is the confident expectation, the sure certainty that what God has promised in the Word is true, has occurred, and or will in accordance with God’s sure Word.
A Description of Hope. If we were to describe HOPE we could say that…..
It is Dynamic or Active.

June Hunt has an interesting note on the use the anchor to symbolize hope...

For centuries, anchors have been a symbol of hope. This emblem was especially significant to the early persecuted church. Many etchings of anchors were discovered in the catacombs of Rome, where Christians held their meetings in hiding. Threatened with death because of their faith, these committed Christians used the anchor as a disguised cross and as a marker to guide the way to their secret meetings. Located beneath the ancient city, 600 miles of these tomb-like burial chambers served as a place of refuge during perilous times of persecution. Thus, the anchor—found even on some tombstones today—has become the symbol of guaranteed hope for the eternal security of true Christians. (Biblical Counseling Keys on Hope: The Anchor of Your Soul)

It has been said that man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, and about eight minutes without air—but only one second without hope! (Anon)
The Italian poet, Dante, in Divine Comedy, penned this inscription over the world of the dead...

“Abandon all hope,
you who enter here!”
One might paraphrase Dante's dismal declaration...
Life without Christ is a hopeless end
but life in Christ is an endless hope

If our hope is biblical and based on God's promises, it will put us in gear.
It has Results
(1) It changes how we see ourselves. It changes us into pilgrim persons, people who see this life as temporary sojourn.
(2) It changes what we value. Hope, if biblical, makes us heavenly minded rather than earthly minded.
(3) It affects what we do with our lives—our talents, time, treasures.

   The Christian life, if it is grasped according to God's truth, is a magnificent obsession with an eternal hope, a hope that does not lead to an escapist attitude, but to the pursuit of life on a whole new dimension. It makes you bullish, as we might say today, on the potentials of this life as stewards of God. It gives us power to live courageously, to be all God has called us to be in Christ.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cancer survivors get involved with cancer-related activities.

Staci Wright

Helping kids regain their self image

Staci Wright Staci Wright

Staci Wright was in the eighth grade when she began having terrible headaches. The 13-year-old girl had been healthy, happy, and active all her life, playing soccer since kindergarten. But life changed overnight when she was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in her skull.

The treatment was 10 months of chemotherapy, along with 5 weeks of radiation. "For me, the hardest part of the cancer battle was that my pain was hurting my whole family," she recalls. "It put so much stress on my parents and older brother. Luckily my sister was too young to really realize what was going on."

During it all, she tried to stay positive and upbeat, doing her best to live life as a normal kid. The support of her family and friends helped her get through many painful times during the year. But even so, there were days when she felt overwhelmed.

"Sometimes it felt like I was all by myself in this battle," she says. "I realized others couldn't fathom what I was going through, and so there were times when I just wanted to be left alone."

Hair loss from chemotherapy isn't easy for any patient. But for a teenage girl, it can be devastating. Staci felt sad and depressed with losing her hair and didn't want to go to school. "I had a really hard time with my hair loss. But there was nothing I could do about it except move on to more important things, like surviving," she says. Unfortunately Katie's radiation killed all the hair cells on a patch of skin on the back of her head, causing her hair loss to be permanent.

Fortunately her mother, Debbie, learned of a hair system that stays in place, made of real hair attached to material that looks like a scalp. Staci loved her new hair but was concerned about the other kids she met at the children's hospital who were still dealing with baldness. "It's tough for people my age to lose their hair," she says. "They lose their self-esteem with it."

Life is something
that can’t be
taken for granted.

That's when Staci and Debbie decided to do something to help these kids. They established the Angel Hair Foundation Exit Disclaimer, a non-profit organization that purchases hair systems for kids and teens. Through hard work and getting the word out, the foundation is thriving and helping kids with cancer everywhere feel better about losing their hair.

Staci is now doing well, playing soccer, hanging out with her friends, and attending the University of Oregon. She believes she'll always have insecurities about her permanent hair loss but trusts that she'll know how to deal with them when they arise. She's excited about what life has to bring to her and plans to become a dietician. More important, she knows that true friends will love her no matter what her hair looks like.

"To me, life is something that can't be taken for granted. I can't be that little shy girl that doesn't push the limit every once in a while," she says. "I often think about how cancer affected my life, about how I developed as a person through this experience. Cancer made me realize what is important in life and made me the more mature person I am today. (From "National Cancer Institute")

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cancer Helps Us Understand The Whys Of Life

Cancer Helps Us Understand The Whys Of Life

Why Chaos,
Why Death,
INTRO: Human suffering is real; we all experience it. When it touches us or those we love, it is no longer an abstract idea to leave to the theologians but a grim and perplexing reality: How can we explain human suffering in a universe created by a good and omnipotent God?
 Paul’s response;
Paul had responded to the question of God’s fairness. But he didn’t answer the question directly. His response to his readers was to inquire— Why are you even asking? Paul’s response was a stinging rebuke: “Who are, you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it,‘Why did you make me like this?’”(Romans 9:20).
But don’t we have the right to ask God: “Why did you make me so I would get cancer or suffer a stroke? Why wasn’t I a clay pot with a different design?” Paul refused to directly answer“Why?” He defended God’s wisdom and justice. Paul wrote: “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” (Romans 11:33).
We would be vain and naïve to think that we could understand and explain what the most knowledgeable and godly have found perplexing. Yet the Scriptures do make several helpful truths, which must be accepted even if not totally understood. The first truth is…..
I. God Permits Suffering
First, the Bible affirms that God has chosen to permit suffering. God is the designer of a plan that allowed for sin and suffering. Though God does not approve of sin and its consequences (suffering), nor is He responsible for it, it is here by His permission. In His omniscience (His full knowledge of everything), He knew that the plan He chose, even though it allowed for sin and suffering, ultimately would bring about the greatest good and glory. Nowhere does the Bible suggest that God was overcome by the power of sin; that suffering was forced into His universe against His will. No. He is the sovereign who "works all things after the counsel of His will" (Eph. 1:11).
Yet, at the same time, the Bible makes it very clear that all human suffering is the result of the Fall. Our suffering is directly related to the curse that came upon the earth as the result of sin. With sin came corruption, suffering and death (see Gen. 2:17; 3:17; Rom. 5:12; 8:20-22). The 2ndtruth is….
II. Christians Suffer.
We come to the reality that we often find the most troubling. God has not chosen to spare even His children from the consequences of living in a fallen world. Living godly lives does enable the believer to avoid some of the unnecessary suffering that others bring upon themselves by ignoring God's moral and spiritual laws. Yes Christians do get sick and die. Christians are robbed and raped. They have accidents. They lose loved ones in fires, earthquakes and hurricanes. And it seems at times that believers suffer more than the wicked. (See the testimony of Asaph in Psalm 73.)
In addition to the natural calamities of life, believers suffer persecution because of Jesus Christ. The New Testament does not proclaim the health and wealth "gospel" that is so popular in 20th-century evangelicalism. The sooner we accept the reality that we are living in a fallen world with its suffering, the sooner we will be able to get on with living effectively for the Lord.
 The 3rd truth is…
III. God Turns It To Our Good
The third biblical truth laid out for us in the Bible is this: whatever calamity befalls us, God has our eternal good in view. God may not have a specific lesson to teach us every time we suffer, but He does have a good purpose in view. In Romans 8:28 we read: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." We quote this verse in times of suffering and rightly so. God has designed all of life (including suffering) to conform us to the image of His Son. Nothing that we suffer in this life can prevent this process from reaching its divinely purposed outcome.
So, first, it helps us to remember, as we ponder the mystery of pain and evil, that God did not create them. Though suffering isn’t good, God can use it to accomplish good.
He does this by fulfilling His promise in Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Notice that the verse doesn’t say God causes evil and suffering, just that he promises to cause good to emerge. And notice that the verse doesn’t say we all will see immediately or even in this life how God has caused good to emerge from a bad circumstance. Remember, we only see things dimly in this world. And notice that God doesn’t make this promise to everyone. He makes the solemn pledge that he will take the bad circumstances that befall us and cause good to emerge if we’re committed to following Him.
The Old Testament gives us a great example in the story of Joseph, who went through terrible suffering, being sold into slavery by his brothers, unfairly accused of a crime and falsely imprisoned. Finally, after a dozen years, he was put in a role of great authority where he could save the lives of his family and many others.
This is what he said to his brothers in Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” And if you’re committed to God, He promises that He can and will take whatever pain you’re experiencing and draw something good from it.
He can and He will. God can use our suffering to draw us to Himself, to mold and sharpen our character, to influence others for Him – He can draw something good from our pain in a myriad of ways…if we trust and follow Him.
The word of God is the only answer we have to understanding certain facts that we find in scripture.           1. Expect suffering. Realize that in a fallen world suffering is the abnormal
           normality (see 1 Pet. 2:12-14).
2. Realize that God in control; nothing can happen unless He allows it. We should be humble before Him (see Ex. 4:11; Job 40:2; Provide. 6:4; Isa. 45:7; Jer. 49:19; Amos 3:6; Rom. 9:20-23).
3. Understand that though God is sovereign and man is responsible for his actions, suffering is a product of the Fall (see II Sam. 12:11; 16:21,22;Acts 4:27,28; Rev. 13:2,7,8).
4. Accept the reality that God allows suffering for good and necessary reasons: to prepare us to comfort others (see II Cor. 1:4-6); to teach us to trust in Him and not in ourselves (see 1:9; 4:7,16, 18; 12:1-10); to turn our hearts toward heaven (see 5:1-4); to develop maturity (see James 1:1-12); to discipline us for sinful behavior (see I Cor. 11:30); and to judge wickedness (see Ps. 37:12,13).
When this biblical understanding of suffering grips us, it will bring trusting obedience and confident hope in the faithfulness of God. As Dorothy Love once put it, "Our trust is completely in our blessed Lord." "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:38,39).

Conclusion: So when tragedy strikes, as it will; when suffering comes, as it will; when you’re wrestling with pain, as you will – and when you make the choice to run into His arms, here’s what you’re going to discover: you’ll find peace to deal with the present, you’ll find courage to deal with your future, and you’ll find the incredible promise of eternal life in heaven

Monday, October 21, 2013

Positive Side Of Cancer,Searching For The Truth


Facing mortality is a positive side of cancer and is a normal reaction to news like “you have cancer”. We have seen that it is positive because it makes us realize the brevity of life, and regrets in life, and third it makes us think about life hereafter and how to prepare for it. Not only think but prepare to meet GOD. Or put in another way we ask an important question what happens if I pass from time to eternity, what then? This has been a subject that maybe you don’t have a problem with. In America, probably one thinks of going either to heaven or hell. Of course some don’t even think that there is life hereafter. The religion of Ancient Egypt was a polytheistic (many gods) religion). Their religion hosted about 700 different gods and goddesses. In addition, it was not uncommon for deities to be combined to form a new deity. One of the more famous aspects of the Egyptian religious beliefs was their ideas of the afterlife. They believed the physical body had to be preserved to allow a place for their spirit to dwell in the afterlife. Because of this, mummification was performed to preserve the body. In addition, large pyramids were constructed as tombs for the pharaohs in the Old Kingdom. Later, rock cut tombs were used to bury the pharaohs.
Ther is only one reliable truth of what happens afeter life and it is the BIBLE.
Biblical perspective.
Generally speaking, the body dies, but the soul lives forever. The big question is where each person will spend eternity. Heaven is a glorious location where there is an absence of pain, disease, sex, depression, etc. and where people live in new, spiritual bodies, in the presence of Jesus Christ. Hell is a location where its inmates will be punished without any hope of relief, for eternity. Whatever the teachings one received, 3 truths become important when facing life hereafter. 1. Finding the truth 2. Believing the truth, 3. Living the truth.

A. FINDING THE TRUTH What is truth? Where is the truth? The Bible is the truth. Thankfully we know where the truth is.

The Bible is an extraordinary work of literature, and it makes some astonishing claims. It records the details of the creation of the universe, the origin of life, the moral law of God, the history of man’s rebellion against God, and the historical details of God’s work of redemption for all who trust in His Son. Moreover, the Bible claims to be God’s revelation to mankind. If true, this has implications for all aspects of life: how we should live, why we exist, what happens when we die, and what our meaning and purpose is. But how do we know if the claims of the Bible are true?

The Bible itself claims to be inspired by God. It does claim that all of its assertions are true and useful for teaching. Such statements do prove at least that the writers of the Bible considered it to be not merely their own opinion, but in fact the inerrant Word of God. However, arguing that the Bible must be true solelyon the basis that it says so is not a powerful argument. Yes, it is a relevant claim. But we need some additional information if we are to escape a vicious circle. argument for the truthfulness of the Bible concerns its uniqueness and internal consistency. The Bible is remarkably self-consistent, despite having been written by more than 40 different writers over a timespan of about 2,000 years. God’s moral law, man’s rebellion against God’s law, and God’s plan of salvation are the continuing themes throughout the pages of Scripture.

Archaeological discoveries have confirmed many events of the Bible. The excavation of Jericho reveals that the walls of this city did indeed fall as described in the book of Joshua.3Indeed, some passages of the Bible, which critics once claimed were merely myth, have now been confirmed archeologically. For example, the five cities of the plain described in Genesis 14:2 were once thought by secular scholars to be mythical, but ancient documents have been found that list these cities as part of ancient trade routes.

The Bible also touches on matters of science in ways that seem to go beyond what was known to humankind at the time. In Isaiah 40:22we read about the spreading out (expansion) of the heavens (the universe). Yet secular scientists did not discover such expansion until the 1920s. The spherical nature of the earth and the fact that the earth hangs in space are suggested in Scriptures such as Job 26:10 and Job 26:7 respectively. The book of Job is thought to have been written around 2000 BC—long before the nature of our planet was generally known. The truth of the Bible is obvious to anyone willing to fairly investigate it. The Bible is uniquely self-consistent and extraordinarily authentic. It has changed the lives of millions of people who have placed their faith in Christ. It has been confirmed countless times by archaeology and other sciences. It possesses divine insight into the nature of the universe and has made correct predictions about distant future events with perfect accuracy. It has solved the mystery of death and the fear of death for those that by fear of cancer or another sickness has had the inner erge to search the truth. The Bible is the TRUTH.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Positive Side Of Cancer Is Facing Godly Regrets That Changes Lives.

Before we begin today I would want you to know that we understand what you are going through and h

Before we begin today, I would want you to know that we understand what you are going through and have a genuine interest in helping you through your journey with cancer. That is the reason why we started “Hope Through Cancer” outreach and the cancer support group at “Seacrest Presbyterian Church” in Delray Beach, Florida at 7:PM Wednesday night.

So we saw last week that having cancer has its positive side, like facing mortality, which in turn brings us to the hard fact that life is brief. That alone usually changes our whole outlook on life and what is important. But when facing the end, it not only makes us realize the brevity of life, we are faced with regrets. Two subtitles would be 1.Godless regrets. 2. Godly regrets.

1. Godless Regrets (The Regrets In Life).

"For godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:10

It could be said that regret is a normal reaction, when considering the end of ones journey and to the fact that life is very short.

Since we don’t have the guarantee of tomorrow, and the fact we are only human beings with fragile characters with many flaws, having left a trail of wrong doings and mistakes, we are prone to easily regret some or many of the things we have done in the past. Now some of the regrets can hinder our progress to the end if it is something that should be dealt with to be able to move on.

It is surprising to hear famous people say that they do not have any regrets of what they did during their life time. Yet if compared to perfection, how can one not see things that are not regretable? How can they not see the importance of change and the desire to do better and be better?

“Many people we consider legends, such as Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry, remain so scarred by scandals, injustices and regrets from decades earlier that they're barely able to appreciate their accomplishments.” By Neil Straus.

If we look back and regret our wrong and it doesn’t turn us to God to change our hearts, we therefore have regret with out God. Godless! Many regret getting caught for doing wrong, but they do not regret the wrong they did. We need Godly regret.

2. Godly Regret.

Everyone experiences a certain amount of shame and regret over sins committed in their past. The Bible has much to say about shame and regret, and there are numerous examples of people in the Bible who experienced them. Take this one for example, Peter. John 13:37-38 describes the night of Christ’s betrayal. Right after the Passover meal, Peter tells Jesus that he would lay down his life for Him. Jesus responds by telling him that on that very night Peter would deny three times even knowing Him. Later that night, out of fear of losing his own life, Peter denied ever knowing Jesus. After Peter’s denial of Christ that night, we see him go on and grow in his faith, eventually becoming one of the founding fathers of the early church in Jerusalem. He did indeed “strengthen his brothers” after turning back to Christ, as Jesus had foretold. While he must have lived with much shame and regret over his very public denial of Christ, his deepened understanding of the person and work of Christ overcame his emotions and feelings of failure. He realized that if Christ would not hold anything against him, neither should he hold anything against himself. Romains 8:1 says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

So, once we have confessed our sins, both past and present, we needn’t continue to live in shame and regret over them. God has forgiven us and forgotten those sins, but often we have to remind ourselves of that fact in order to forgive ourselves and move forward in newness of life.

Here is a list of some regrets that have haunted one that is a survivor.

1. Not having spent quality time with children or parents.

2. Wasted So much time on themselves and not others.

3. Having a grudge with a family member and never having settled it.

4. Not living for the Creator.

5. Having not been forgiving to others.


Even though He(God) is willing to forgive and forget, we are left with consequences that we must accept and deal with, to be able to continue our life in a fulfilled way. To be fully liberated one must turn to God.

For many who are severely bound up with things that may have occurred in the past –realize that God is inviting to you to come to Him for forgiveness. Many will need an inner healing from the Lord on certain issues. God wants you to let go of your past so you can fully fly into what He has in store for you in this life.

a genuine interest in helping you through your journey with cancer. That is the reason why we started “Hope Through Cancer” outreach and the cancer support group at “Seacrest Presbyterian Church” in Delray Beach, Florida at 7:PM Wednesday night.

So we saw last week that having cancer has its positive side, like facing mortality, which in turn brings us to the hard fact that life is brief. That alone usually changes our whole outlook on life and what is important. But when facing the end, it not only makes us realize the brevity of life, we are faced with regrets. Two subtitles would be 1.Godless regrets. 2. Godly regrets.
1.Godless Regrets (The Regrets In Life).
"For godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." 2 Corinthians 7:10
It could be said that regret is a normal reaction, when considering the end of ones journey and to the fact that life is very short.
Since we don’t have the guarantee of tomorrow, and the fact we are only human beings with fragile characters with many flaws, having left a trail of wrong doings and mistakes, we are prone to easily regret some or many of the things we have done in the past. Now some of the regrets can hinder our progress to the end if it is something that should be dealt with to be able to move on.
It is surprising to hear famous people say that they do not have any regrets of what they did during their life time. Yet if compared to perfection, how can one not see things that are not regretable? How can they not see the importance of change and the desire to do better and be better?
“Many people we consider legends, such as Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry, remain so scarred by scandals, injustices and regrets from decades earlier that they're barely able to appreciate their accomplishments.” By Neil Straus.
If we look back and regret our wrong and it doesn’t turn us to God to change our hearts, we therefore have regret with out God. Godless! Many regret getting caught for doing wrong, but they do not regret the wrong they did. We need Godly regret.
2.Godly Regret.
Everyone experiences a certain amount of shame and regret over sins committed in their past. The Bible has much to say about shame and regret, and there are numerous examples of people in the Bible who experienced them. Take this one for example, Peter. John 13:37-38 describes the night of Christ’s betrayal. Right after the Passover meal, Peter tells Jesus that he would lay down his life for Him. Jesus responds by telling him that on that very night Peter would deny three times even knowing Him. Later that night, out of fear of losing his own life, Peter denied ever knowing Jesus. After Peter’s denial of Christ that night, we see him go on and grow in his faith, eventually becoming one of the founding fathers of the early church in Jerusalem. He did indeed “strengthen his brothers” after turning back to Christ, as Jesus had foretold. While he must have lived with much shame and regret over his very public denial of Christ, his deepened understanding of the person and work of Christ overcame his emotions and feelings of failure. He realized that if Christ would not hold anything against him, neither should he hold anything against himself. Romains 8:1 says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
So, once we have confessed our sins, both past and present, we needn’t continue to live in shame and regret over them. God has forgiven us and forgotten those sins, but often we have to remind ourselves of that fact in order to forgive ourselves and move forward in newness of life.
Here is a list of some regrets that have haunted one that is a survivor.
1. Not having spent quality time with children or parents.
2. Wasted So much time on themselves and not others.
3. Having a grudge with a family member and never having settled it.
4. Not living for the Creator.
5. Having not been forgiving to others.

Even though He(God) is willing to forgive and forget, we are left with consequences that we must accept and deal with, to be able to continue our life in a fulfilled way. To be fully liberated one must turn to God.
For many who are severely bound up with things that may have occurred in the past –realize that God is inviting to you to come to Hime for forgiveness. Many will need an inner healing from the Lord on certain issues. God wants you to let go of your past so you can fully fly into what He has in store for you in this life.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Woman Bounces Back from a Brain Tumor – Hope Through Cancer

Woman Bounces Back from a Brain Tumor – with Humor Intact
"I didn't even really believe that I had a tumor until I saw it on the MRI. Sometimes I look at the pictures with wonder. That was in my head?"
In 2004, Cullen Forrest was sitting with her husband at a restaurant, enjoying dinner out. In the middle of the meal, her body was rocked by a sudden grand mal seizure. She was rushed to a nearby hospital, where an MRI revealed something she never expected: a mass the size of a lemon growing in the left hemisphere of her brain. Further tests determined that the mass was a type of brain tumor -- a mixed oligodendroglioma/astrocytoma.

In the space of a day, Forrest went from living life as a business consultant and newlywed to facing the news she had a tumor that took up nearly a quarter of the space of her brain.

She remembers what it was like to hear the news that she had cancer: “I didn’t even really believe that I had a tumor until I saw it on the MRI,” she says. “Sometimes I look at the pictures with wonder. That was in my head?”

The Challenges of Treatment

Soon after she was diagnosed, Forrest began treatment for the massive growth. First came a delicate brain surgery that successfully removed the bulk of the tumor. Weeks of chemotherapy, radiation, and speech therapy followed.

Cullen ForrestDuring her combination therapy, radiation proved to be one of the biggest challenges. “[It] made me very tired. I would work part time in the morning, go to radiation at 3:00 pm, and sleep until my husband came home from work at 6:30 pm.”

The radiation therapy also meant that Forrest lost the hair on the front of her head. “I was wearing folded bandanas like they were going out of style,” she says.

As a way to help her cope with the hair loss while benefitting others, she made plans to cut her hair short and donate it to charity. Those plans were thwarted when she learned that even a simple haircut would interfere with the delicate calibration of the mask she wore to help target her radiation.

“I was devastated,” she says, but on the last day of radiation, she and her husband celebrated in part by shaving off her remaining hair. Says Forrest, “I was proud to be a bald survivor.”

Finding Help

During her recovery, and still sporting a bald head, Forrest got an invitation to be a part of a good friend’s wedding. She reached out the American Cancer Society for help getting a wig.

“I was surprised at how good it looked,” she says. When another friend later invited her to take part in Relay For Life, the Society’s signature fundraising event, she welcomed the chance. “It was very exciting to walk the survivor’s lap and donate money to help find a cure.” She was one of the only people who had faced brain cancer there to take a victory lap.

Moving On and Facing a New Set of Challenges

More than 5 years after her startling diagnosis, Forrest has made a near total recovery and will celebrate her 35th birthday next month. “I am up to 99% of my normal capacity – some might argue that wasn’t a whole lot to begin with,” she jokes.

She also appreciates how fortunate she’s been. “I am lucky to have had a very fine neurosurgeon who removed it all. I am lucky to have a husband who has stood by me through this. I am lucky that my parents and extended family have supported me. I am lucky that I have had clear MRIs.”

Despite being cancer-free for more than half a decade, the shadow of the disease does still linger in unexpected ways. “As my husband was changing jobs, we applied for individual insurance. We knew that it would be a challenge given my medical history,” she says. “But I was turned down by every insurance company that we applied to. That is ridiculous; nobody asks to have cancer.”

Although the question of insurance looms, Forrest has been able to put her cancer in the rearview mirror and embark on another big adventure: motherhood. Today, she, her husband, and her 1-and-a-half-year-old son continue to thrive.

“I’m proud that I have survived this and have come to learn what is really important in my life,” she says. “I don’t have a lot of time for worrying because that just wastes energy that could be used towards doing something meaningful.”
Story from "American Cancer Society"

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why Cancer Support Group Centers Are Needed, Pass this on


    Support groups present information, provide comfort, teach coping skills, help reduce anxiety, and provide a place for people to share common concerns and emotional support.
    People who take part in support groups believe that they can live healthier, happier lives if they spend time relating to others. They say that when they have emotional support, it is easier to deal with their health and social problems. Some claim that the bonds formed between members of support groups help them feel stronger. They further claim that sharing feelings and experiences within support groups can reduce stress, fear, and anxiety and help to promote healing. Evidence suggests that support groups can improve quality of life for people with cancer.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cancer Brought Newness In Life Says Cancer Survivor

Life today

Recovering from cancer is a powerful experience. It's very difficult to explain, but there's a newness in life. I’m seeing and hearing things much differently. It's been an exciting time too to think about the future—our children, grandchildren and our life together.
Darlene and I are enjoying life. We joined a bowling league and have taken trips we've never done before, from the top of Pikes Peak to deep mountain caves and across zip lines that traverse mountain gorges. We're working on our bucket list together and sharing help and inspiration along the way.
See his complete story here.

Friday, September 6, 2013

This Weeks Thought On The Positive Side Of Cancer

Thank you for joining us in facing the most difficult part on the journey of our lives, either because of having cancer or being a caregiver. Before we begin today I would want you to know that we understand what you are going through and have a genuine interest in helping you through your journey with cancer. That is the reason why we started “Hope Through Cancer” outreach and the cancer support group at “Seacrest Presbyterian Church” in Delray Beach, Florida at 7:PM Wednesday night, starting October 2nd 2013.
We will be starting a series of reflections on the positive side of cancer. We hope that this will be an encouraging tool for you as it has been for us. We are simply sharing what we learnt, and what we believe could help you. We pray that you will find the Hope, Opportunities, Peace, and Encouragement that we found on this journey. We might not agree about everything, but we can even agree to disagree, and care about each other.
Cancer does have its positive side, even though it almost seems impossible to see any positive aspect related to cancer. But "Stop" there is a POSITIVE side. I have talked to many people with cancer and these people are changed from within. Even a registered nurse said that doctors should all work with cancer patients, because there is so much to learn from them.
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when one receives the news for the first time that he or she is diagnosed with cancer is death. One thinks of dying. Stop right there again. Cancer is not a death sentence. Each case is different and the outcome can be so different. We can agree though, that we won’t live on and on like there is no end. It just brings us to a realization that the end could be soon. That is a jolt to our clear thinking of reality. Which is a good thing and I want to underline some important truths about facing mortality. I can say that facing mortality brings out 3 truths that we will touch on in the next weeks or so.
1. The brevity of life.
2. Regrets in life.
3. The life hereafter.
Let’s talk about “The Brevity Of Life”
You can say by experience, LIFE is short. It just seems like yesterday that we got started, graduated, got married, retired, and so forth. Now we really see the brevity of life because it seems like it is almost over already. As a survivor, that sometimes puts a person in a panic feeling. A scared feeling inside. How do you deal with that feeling if you don’t have something solid in what you believe? We have to turn to someone other than ourselves. Someone that has answered all the questions of life. We don’t have all the answers to life’s questions. But someone does. We believe in God and His inspired word the Bible. That’s where we get the answers to all our questions, situations, and the future.
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 ) The Bible.
Others have said:
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
The positive side of understanding the brevity of life, is that now, only the important things become important. That will change your life and it probably already got you thinking in the right direction. It already has a positive affect on you because of cancer. Your life is on the way to fulfillment. Be thankful! The majority of people are living an unsatisfied life, living for insignificant things that do not matter in the long run. Do you see, that family is more important than ever now? What about people and friends? Your attitude towards life itself? You are on a journey. Don’t waste your cancer. Live it to the fullest.
I know people that have changed their attitude about life and now they just want to reach out and help other human beings that are in the same situation, who need love, understanding, help, encouragement. That is the story of my wife and I and so many others that we know. Actually I haven't met one yet different than what I just described. People change for the good, if they don't waste ther time just feeling sorry for themselves. Facing mortality is a good thing. Much will be changed to allow a fulfilled life.
Our next truth under our first subject (Facing Mortality) that we will deal with in the near future will be “Regrets in life” the second truth when facing mortality, another positive side of cancer

Thank you for joining us in facing the most difficult part on the journey of our lives, either having cancer or being a caregiver. Before we begin today I would want you to know that we understand what you are going through and have a genuine interest in helping you through your journey with cancer. That is the reason why we started “Hope Through Cancer” outreach and the cancer support group at “Seacrest Presbyterian Church” in Delray Beach, Florida at 7:PM Wednesday night, starting October 2nd 2013.
We will be starting a series of reflections on the positive side of cancer. We hope that this will be an encouraging tool for you as it has been for us. We are simply sharing what we learnt and what we believe could help you. We pray that you will find the Hope, Opportunities, Peace, and Encouragement that we found on this journey. We might not agree about everything but we can even agree to disagree, and care about each other.
Cancer does have its positive side, even though it almost seems impossible to see any positive aspect related to cancer. But Stop there is a POSITIVE side. I have talked to many people with cancer and these people are changed from within. Even a registered nurse said that doctors should all work with cancer patients, because there is so much to learn from them.
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when one receives the news for the first time that he or she is diagnosed with cancer is mortality. One thinks of dying. Stop right there again. Cancer is not a death sentence. Each case is different and the outcome can be so different. We can agree though, that we won’t live on and on like there is no end. It just brings us to a realization that the end could be soon. That is a jolt to our clear thinking of reality, which is a good thing.  I want to underline some important truths about facing mortality. We can say that facing mortality brings out 3 truths that we will touch on in the next weeks or so.
1. The brevity of life.
2. Regrets in life.
3. The life hereafter.
Let’s talk about “The Brevity Of Life”
You can say that by experience, LIFE is short. It just seems like yesterday that we got started, graduated, got married, retired, on so forth. Now we really see the brevity of life because it seems like it is almost over already. For  a survivor, that sometimes puts one in a panic feeling. A scared feeling inside. How do you deal with that feeling if you don’t have something solid in what you believe? We have to turn to someone other than ourselves. Someone that has answered all the questions of life. We don’t have all the answers to life’s questions. But someone does. We believe in God and His inspired word the Bible. That’s where we get the answers to all our questions, situations, and the future.
“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom” (Psalm 90:12 - NLT).
Others have said:
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde
The positive part of understanding the brevity of life, is that now, only the important things become important. That will change your life and it probably already got you thinking in the right direction. It already has a positive affect on you because of cancer. Your life is on the way to fulfillment. Be thankful! The majority of people are living an unsatisfied life, living for insignificant things that do not matter in the long run.
"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
--Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Do you see that family is more important than ever now? What about people and friends? Your attitude towards life itself? You are on a journey. Don’t waste your cancer. Live it to the fullest.
This will change your life and it will be for the better, not the worse.
The idea alone that life is short, shows us the importance of making this life count for something that has lasting effects, even when we are gone.
Our next truth under the title (Facing Mortality) is "Regrets In Life". We will ponder this in the near future.  It has a positive effect on all, a positive side of cancer.2013.

We will be starting a series of reflections on the positive side of cancer. We hope that this will be an encouraging tool for you as it has been for us. We are simply sharing what we learnt, and what we believe could help you. We pray that you will find the Hope, Opportunities, Peace, and Encouragement that we found on this journey. We might not agree about everything, but we can even agree to disagree, and care about each other.
Cancer does have its positive side, even though it almost seems impossible to see any positive aspect related to cancer. But "Stop" there is a POSITIVE side. I have talked to many people with cancer and these people are changed from within. Even a registered nurse said that doctors should all work with cancer patients, because there is so much to learn from them.
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when one receives the news for the first time that he or she is diagnosed with cancer is death. One thinks of dying. Stop right there again. Cancer is not a death sentence. Each case is different and the outcome can be so different. We can agree though, that we won’t live on and on like there is no end. It just brings us to a realization that the end could be soon. That is a jolt to our clear thinking of reality. Which is a good thing and I want to underline some important truths about facing mortality. I can say that facing mortality brings out 3 truths that we will touch on in the next weeks or so.
1. The brevity of life.
2. Regrets in life.
3. The life hereafter.